Magnet Programs

The Broward County Public School district is a nationally recognized leader in the quality and diversity of education we offer students. Magnet programs offer educational choices in Broward County Public Schools. While similar courses and programs may be available in comprehensive schools, Magnet programs attract students by offering unique opportunities for in-depth experiences and study in specific areas of interest. Each Magnet program emphasizes a specialized theme. Our goal is to create educational interests, celebrate cultural and ethnic diversity, and foster student achievement.

Awesome Olsen Middle is proud to announce that we are a full magnet school. That means that every student enrolled at Awesome Olsen will be part of a career academy of their choosing. Learn more about our Linking Education and Employment Outcomes (LEEO) and Junior Ventures.

Available Courses


The Academy of Business focuses on understanding the fundamentals of business, marketing, and entrepreneurship. Business leaders throughout the county will serve as guest speakers and mentors. Students will be using, hands-on, project-based learning to develop their own businesses and plans. Learn more about our Business Academy.


The Academy of Education is established to help children learn the skills it takes to become a childcare professional, classroom teacher, or potential college professor. Content will include learning about early childhood development, the art of pedagogy, as well as educational policies and laws that support high standards in education. Learn more about the Academy of Education.

Hospitality & Tourism

This academy supports students pursuing a career in the hospitality & tourism industry. The academy includes the management, marketing, and operations of restaurants and other food services, lodging, attractions, recreation events, and travel. Students enrolled in the academy will be responsible for setting up our new Viking Café. Learn more about the Academy of Hospitality & Tourism.

Music & Media Conservatory

The Academy of Music and Media Conservatory consists of two pathways including Band and Journalism. Band students will develop skills related to musical performing arts, such as synchronization, sight-reading, harmonization, composition, and improvisation. Journalism students will learn the fundamentals of journalism and be immersed in a multimedia curriculum of video, audio, and web content production. Journalism students will also take part in the production of our Viking TV station. Learn more about the Academy of Media & Music Conservatory.

Robotics and Marine Science

The academy supports students pursuing careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and Robotics. This academy gives students an opportunity to use an underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) as a hands-on device for learning. Simultaneously, students will be learning a curriculum in and out of the classroom that educates students on the ocean and marine life. Learn more about the Academy of Robotics and Marine Science.

Magnet Program Eligibility

Magnet Programs are open to qualified students throughout the state of Florida. All students entering grades K-12 may apply. Students must be five years old by September 1st to enter kindergarten. All students will demonstrate good conduct. At the secondary level, academic/talent entrance criteria have been established for admission to each Magnet Program as a means of promoting student success. Learn more about the academic requirements for middle and high school students.

The School Board of Broward County is committed to providing settings for education that promote understanding of diversity, tolerance and fair play, so that the positive tenets of a democratic society are reinforced by what students experience in schools. In the Broward County Public Schools, diversity is broadly defined to include students of different genders, of different racial and ethnic backgrounds, of various socioeconomic circumstances, those who speak English as a second language, and those who have exceptional and special needs.