Exchange of Services Contract: Everything You Need to Know

An exchange of services contract is an agreement that involves goods or services instead of money. It is also referred to as a barter agreement, and even though no cash is exchanged, it is wise to draft a formal contract so that there are no misunderstandings about anyone's responsibilities.

What to Include in a Barter Agreement

Most people engage in a barter arrangement without any type of written agreement. However, this can potentially cause problems. It's helpful to document exactly what goods or services will be included in the agreement, and who is expected to provide them. If a service is involved, the contract should list the specific job, hours, or tasks to be performed. When goods are being traded, you will need to list the items, the quantity, and their condition.

Many people may be unaware of this, but in some situations, the goods and services that are included in a barter agreement may be taxable. This is especially true when businesses barter. If a business pays a contractor with items or services in exchange for the services performed by the contractor, it is considered payment. For the contractor, it is income that must be reported on their annual tax return.

Service Agreements

When services are used as a barter item, a service agreement should be used. This is also referred to as a general service contract, consulting services agreement, or service level agreement. It documents the terms of the service that will be provided by one party in exchange for some type of compensation by the other.

Service agreements should be used by service providers whenever they plan to offer service to a client because it ensures that they are paid as agreed. Customers also benefit from service agreements because it documents the amount of compensation or barter items to be exchanged along with the provider's duties. If required, it also protects the customer's confidentiality.

When writing a service agreement, include the following:

Is Bartering Right For You?

There are many reasons why bartering can be beneficial. For one thing, it keeps you from spending your working capital when you need to purchase goods or services for your business. Bartering, also referred to as in-kind trade, can give you an outlet for excess inventory that may otherwise sit unused.

Here are some things to remember while making barter arrangements:

Finding a Good Trade Partner

Best Practices For Bartering

Any business wishing to arrange a good barter agreement while preserving its reputation in the industry and community should adhere to good etiquette during the process. Remember these tips:

If you need more information or help with an exchange of services contract, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.