Here's what to include in your birth plan, and a template to use

There's so much to think about and so many decisions to make about giving birth! Use our birth plan template to organize and share it all.

Shannon Smith, M.D., FACOG

Karen Miles

Written by Karen Miles | Mar 26, 2024

pregnant woman making her birth plan

Photo credit: Basil Pind / Stocksy United

In this article

What is a birth plan?

A birth plan is a document (usually a page or two long) that lets your medical team know your expectations and preferences while giving birth. It typically includes everything from how you want to manage labor pain to what kind of atmosphere you want in the delivery room.

Of course, you can't control every aspect of labor and delivery, and you'll need to be flexible if something comes up that requires your birth team to depart from your plan. (And if you want to change things up in the moment, that's fine too.) A healthy mom and baby are the most important parts of the process.

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"Remember that the plan is a 'Plan A'," says Shannon Smith, M.D., an ob-gyn at Brigham Faulkner Ob/Gyn Associates Opens a new window in Boston and member of the BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board. "Unfortunately, for labor and delivery not everyone gets plan A, so keeping an open mind is a must."

Most hospitals and birth centers provide a birth plan template or brochure to explain their policies and philosophy of childbirth, and to let you know which options are available. That information can be helpful in guiding you and your provider in a discussion about your preferences.

Do I need to have a birth plan?

Birth plans aren't required, but they're nice to have, especially if you have specific desires and want a place to make your wishes clear. Plus, the process of making a birth plan may help you get more comfortable with and prepared for having your baby.

Going over your plan with your doctor or midwife well ahead of time will also help you iron out any questions you have and avoid disappointment later. You might learn that your hospital doesn't allow filming of births, for example, or that you can't have as many people as you'd like in the delivery room.

Try to be flexible if not everything on your birth plan is possible, or if your provider pushes back on some of your preferences. "They're trying to educate you, not contradict or disparage your plan," says Dr. Smith.

Though a birth plan isn't set in stone, it can be very useful on the big day. It can refresh your healthcare provider's memory when you're in labor, and it informs new members of your medical team – such as your labor and delivery nurse – about your preferences. (You may be too busy having a baby to articulate your wishes!)

"We have white boards in the rooms with the highlights of the birth plan written down so we can review them throughout labor and adjust as labor progresses," says Dr. Smith.

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Be sure to give a completed copy of your birth plan to your provider well before your due date, and pack another copy in your hospital bag for when you go into labor.

How to use our birth plan template

Here's our handy birth plan template – you can download it, print it, and fill it out.

Wondering what all your options are? Read on for information to help you understand your choices and decide on your birth plan.

General information

Who will attend your birth?

Decide who you want in the delivery room with you. Who will be your support person? Do you want your other children, family members, or friends to be there? Will you have a doula?

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You may be limited by policies at your hospital or birth center, so find out the rules about the number of people allowed (and perhaps whether children can attend) before making your list.

Sometimes medical professionals in training, such as med students and residents, attend births (especially in teaching hospitals). Note on your form whether you're comfortable with this.

Do you want your birth to be photographed or filmed?

Ask ahead of time about the policy at your hospital or birth center. If your partner or someone else does film or photograph your birth, make sure they understand that they need to stay out of the way of your healthcare providers.

What kind of birthing environment do you want?

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You're somewhat limited by the room you're given, of course, but you may be able to make some adjustments. Would you like music playing? Do you want the lights dimmed during labor or when your baby is born?

Labor and delivery

What are your hopes for early labor?

Ask about the policy on fetal monitoring. Your baby will likely be monitored for 20 or 30 minutes when you're admitted. If your baby's heart rate is reassuring, you might only need to be intermittently monitored after that. Not being tied to a monitor allows you to move around more easily during labor. (And many hospitals now have wireless monitors, so patients can walk around while being continuously monitored.)

Most hospitals start an IV when you're admitted. Sometimes this is medically necessary, for example if you're receiving medication to induce or augment labor. Or, you might be Group B strep positive and need antibiotics. Sometimes you'll get an IV so you can quickly receive fluids if you need them.

If you want to move around freely during labor, you may be able to go without the IV or ask that the medical team attach a heparin or saline lock to an IV catheter. (This allows you to be quickly hooked up to an IV if necessary.) Discuss this with your doctor or midwife.

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Would you like to be able to eat and drink while you're in labor? For women without any labor complications, The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists Opens a new window (ACOG) recommends moderate amounts of clear liquids while in labor.

Policies differ from one institution to the next, so ask about the rules on eating and drinking during labor at your hospital or birth center. Many women get hungry and thirsty during the birthing process, so it's good to know what your options are ahead of time.

What are your preferences on labor augmentation?

If your labor stops progressing, your medical team may recommend interventions to speed things along. That might involve breaking your amniotic sac if your water hasn't broken (called an amniotomy) or giving oxytocin (Pitocin), a synthetic form of the hormone your body produces during labor.

Do you want to use labor props?

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There's an array of labor props that women use in the delivery room, such as a birthing tub, birth ball, peanut ball, birthing stool, birthing chair, and squatting bar. You may want to ask your provider what kinds of props you're allowed to bring with you and which ones are provided.

Will you have an epidural, other pain medication, or a non-medicated birth?

Discuss your preferences for pain management with your provider. If you want to use pain medication for labor or have an epidural, talk to your doctor or midwife about your options ahead of time.

If you want to have an unmedicated birth, you might request that people on your birth team refrain from offering pain medication.

Keep in mind that no matter what you write on your birth plan, you can change your mind once you're actually in labor.

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During a vaginal delivery, would you like to see and/or touch your baby's head?

You can ask to use a mirror to get a glimpse of the top of your baby's head as it crowns, and you can probably even tell whether they have dark or light hair (though it will be wet). You may also be able to reach down and touch your baby for the first time!

What are your preferences if you have a C-section?

If you end up having a C-section, it's very likely that you'll be awake and your support person will be able stay with you. You may want to ask your doctor if you can view your C-section delivery through a clear plastic drape or have the drape lowered so you can see when your baby emerges.

You may be able to have your baby placed on your chest right after delivery. And you can request that your support person hold your baby if you're not able to.

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After delivery

Do you want to have skin-to-skin time right away?

After birth, your baby is usually placed on you and covered with a warm blanket. You can let your provider know if you prefer to hold your baby skin-to-skin immediately after delivery or if want your baby dried off first.

Some procedures can be delayed for an hour to give you a chance to feed and bond with your baby. (This hour is sometimes called the Golden Hour.) This is a good time for you and your baby to reap the benefits of skin-to-skin contact, if you like. Indicate on your birth plan if you want to delay newborn procedures such as measuring for the first hour to take advantage of this opportunity.

"Other newborn procedures that are important to do right away – such as the vitamin K injection and antibiotic eyedrops – can be done right on Mom so as not to interrupt the Golden Hour of skin-to-skin," says Dr. Smith.

How do you want your baby's umbilical cord handled?

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You may want to ask your doctor or midwife about delayed cord clamping. Recent research shows that waiting up to 60 seconds before clamping and cutting the umbilical cord allows extra blood to flow from the placenta to the baby and reduces the risk of newborn anemia and iron deficiency. This has now become standard, but may not be possible in all situations.

The umbilical cord is clamped in two places and cut between the two clamps. Let your provider know if you want your partner or support person to cut the cord!

Are you banking your baby's cord blood?

You'll need to make arrangements well ahead of time if you'd like to bank your baby's cord blood. The cord blood is collected right after birth, and you can donate it to a public cord blood bank or store it in a private cord blood bank.

Do you want to keep your placenta?

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Let your provider know if you plan to keep your placenta. There's no scientific evidence that it's useful, but some women choose to eat the placenta or make tinctures or capsules from it. Others bury their placenta in a special place or make jewelry or art out of it. Some women even keep their baby attached to the placenta after birth (called a lotus birth).

If your hospital or birthing center allows you to take your placenta, they may require that you bring your own cooler to seal it in when leaving.

Do you want your baby in your room as much as possible?

Some hospitals have a newborn nursery where babies are cared for, but some don't. Find out what your hospital offers, and decide whether you'd like to use the nursery or have your baby stay in your room.

Unless your baby needs special medical care, you can usually ask for all procedures and tests to be done while your baby is in the room with you. If your baby needs to be cared for in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) or elsewhere, your provider should be able to explain exactly what needs to be done, unless it's an emergency situation.

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If your baby does need to be taken for special medical care, your partner or support person can usually go along.

How will you feed your baby?

Write down whether you plan to exclusively breastfeed your baby while in the hospital or birth center, if you plan to feed your baby formula, or if you'll be combining breastfeeding and formula feeding. Most hospitals offer a consultation with a lactation consultant for breastfeeding guidance, and nurses can also help you get started.

Also decide whether you're okay with the hospital staff giving your baby a bottle, a pacifier, or sugar water. (Sugar water is sometimes used to comfort babies – during a circumcision, for example.)

Do you want your baby boy to be circumcised at the hospital?

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Most circumcisions in newborns take place a day or two after the birth, so make this decision before your baby's due date.

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BabyCenter's editorial team is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. When creating and updating content, we rely on credible sources: respected health organizations, professional groups of doctors and other experts, and published studies in peer-reviewed journals. We believe you should always know the source of the information you're seeing. Learn more about our editorial and medical review policies.

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Ahmadpour P et al 2022. Effect of implementing a birth plan on maternal and neonatal outcomes: A randomized controlled trial. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 22(862). Opens a new window [Accessed March 2024]

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Shareef N et al. 2023. The role of birth plans for shared decision-making around birth choices of pregnant women in maternity care: A scoping review. Women and Birth 36(4): 327-333. Opens a new window [Accessed March 2024]

Karen Miles

Karen Miles is a writer and an expert on pregnancy and parenting who has contributed to BabyCenter for more than 20 years. She's passionate about bringing up-to-date, useful information to parents so they can make good decisions for their families. Her favorite gig of all is being "Mama Karen" to four grown children and "Nana" to nine grandkids.